Thursday, August 21, 2008


I am depressed... early morning, I woke up for the first time in months at 6am, had a quarrel with my mum. Turn on my computer hoping for a relieve... Discovered 'True Tears' was licensed. These few days, the anime I have been watching (extracting) have been getting licensed left and right. (Licensed= removed from all sites)

And I really dislike those sub we watch on TV. They are lazy, cause they dont sub OP ED. It is as if quality was never in there mind. I am guessing, each word must be very expensive for them.

Ok good bye creativity. I have lost my information source. Since I am doing all these non productive, non capital output stuff such as doing image extraction, I guessed it really angered big brother. I have noticed a little improvement over the years as I do my art work. My photoshop and GIMP skills have improved greatly.

Just like programming, it is over a period of doing some repetitive task that a pattern emerges. A lot of patterns have emerged for me as I tried various screen capture tools.

For anyone that is reading, no worries, I wouldnt be stopping my extraction. Though I guessed a creative solution might be in order...

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